20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

08-18-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Blessed Sunday to you all!

Would you risk your life to receive the Holy Eucharist? An honest question and something to ponder who we receive at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Is He important in your life to risk it all? The strong tone of our Blessed Lord helps us think about what is important in our lives. "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world."


19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

08-11-2024Pastor's Letter© LPi Fr. John Muir

This week we hear Jesus say, “He that believes in me, has eternal life” (John 6:47). These straightforward words, uttered by human lips, sound — how to put this? — insane. Who could possibly say such a thing? Jesus says things that are so high, so demanding, so beyond our capacity to fathom, we hardly know what to do with them and (if you’re like me), they usually go in one ear and out the other. So, let us ask: how can believing in him lead to eternal life?


18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

08-04-2024Pastor's Letter© LPi Fr. John Muir

Since my college days I’ve loved a song called “Dance with You” by the rock band Live. It touches on the deep mystical hunger of our heart: “I’ve tasted all the wines/ a half a billion times/ came sickened to your shore/ you showed me what this life is for.” These lines resonate with anyone who has feasted on the good things of this world only to be left spiritually hungover and unsatisfied.