Service Ministries

Care for the Sick

Within the boundaries of St. Joan of Arc we have one hospital, two nursing homes, three assisted living centers and many private homes, all caring for the needs of our sick and infirm. Volunteers are needed to bring Christ to the many people residing at these centers.

Assistance is needed with the distribution of Holy Communion to Catholic patients at Abrazo Hospital located at 40th Street and East Bell Road on Mondays and/or Sundays. Training will be provided. Assistance does not need to be every week, just whatever you can spare. Any time is most welcome and appreciated.

For more information, please call the parish office at 602-867-9171.

Healing Prayer and Deliverance Ministry

The Healing Prayer and Deliverance Ministry meets in the St. Katherine Drexel Chapel on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 6:30pm.

For more information, please call Mary Jo Orkild at 602-956-6107.

Intercessory Prayer Group

The Intercessory Prayer Group meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month immediately after 8:30am Mass and Rosary.

For more information, please call Mary Jo Orkild at 602-956-6107.

Knights of Columbus

The world's largest Catholic family fraternal service organization with 1.7 million members. It provides members and their families with volunteer opportunities in service to the Catholic Church, its communities, families and young people.

Our meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month.

Interested men, contact the Grand Knight Chuck Reader at 602-448-5171 or

Legion of Mary

This group, dedicated to our Blessed Mother, meets Wednesdays at 3:00pm in the Senior Lounge. Both men and women are welcome to attend. The works of the Legion include home visitation, rest home and care center visitations, Pilgrim Virgin and Enthronments to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

For more information, please call Rosemary at 602-690-7702.

Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program

  1. The most suitable place in the home has been chosen as the area where our Blessed Mother’s statue will be placed.
  2. A decorative table cloth is placed on the surface, and flowers are placed there.
  3. Our Blessed Mother is brought into your home as Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Our Lady of Grace, or as Our Lady of Guadalupe, with love and reverence.
  4. The statue of our Blessed Mother is placed at her prepared shrine, with candles.
  5. The family and friends gather about their heavenly Mother. It is time to pray.
    Mary Comes to our Home. Invocation to the Holy Spirit. Welcome to Mary. Mary’s Response – The Magnificat. Recitation to the Holy Spirit. Welcome To Mary. Mary’s Response – The Magnificat. Recitation of the Holy Rosary. Mary’s Special Prayers.

Whenever possible, the statue remains in the same home for a week or two, and the family is encouraged to recite the Rosary each day.  The following week, the same home is visited by the Legion of Mary, who fosters the Pilgrim Virgin program and the second part of the prayer program entitled:  “Mary’s Farewell” is recited.  Our Blessed Mother is once again ready to travel to another home of one of her children.

If you are interested in having Our Blessed Mother in your home for a visit, please call or text Gladys Cisneros, President of Our Lady of Joy Praesidium SJA, at 602-595-9313.

The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Program

As it is the mission of Mary to bring about the reign of Jesus, so there is a special mission of the Legion of Mary to hold the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the homes of our parishioners.

The family is asked to obtain the picture of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart (w/wo Immaculate Heart of Mary) of their choice and decide where the image will be placed. This is an event where an image of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart is given a place of honor in the home. On the day of the ceremony, the head of the family/individual carries the image of the Sacred Heart to His place of Honor in the home. It is blessed with Holy Water and all kneel/sit and pray. The presider explains the meaning of the Consecration and all stand and recite the Creed and Act of Consecration. We ask for a blessing and sing a closing hymn to the Sacred Heart. A certificate and badge may be left with the family. 

If you are interested in having this program take place in your home, email or text Sheryl Watts, Member of Our Lady of Joy Praesidium SJA, at 480-414-1904 or


Navajo Connection Family Adoption Project

Each year, SJA families and members of the surrounding community, adopt hundreds of Navajo families from the St. Michael and St. Mary communities. Every family is in need of food, warm articles of clothing and gifts especially for the children. All these articles are collected over the Thanksgiving weekend and delivered to St. Michael, Arizona and Tohatchi, New Mexico, during the first weekend of December, just in time for Christmas.

Padre Pio Prayer Group

The Padre Pio Prayer Group meets on the 1st Friday of the month for 8:30am Mass followed by devotional prayer.

For more information, please contact Josie Savino at 602-996-3887.

Porters of St. Joseph

The Porters of St. Joseph is a devout Catholic security consulting apostolate with the mission to provide a safe environment in the Diocese of Phoenix so the Faithful can worship God in peace and security.

We build teams of faithful men who have felt the call to serve the Church by putting their courageous, heroic, masculine hearts at the service of their parishes, while at the same time, forming bonds of Christian brotherhood with like-minded men.

Fulfill your bishop’s call to Step into the Breach, and join the Porters of St. Joseph!

Visit for more information and contact to sign up.

Prayer Line

Need prayers or know someone who does? Send your intentions or names to

Respect Life Ministry

i.e., Walking with Moms in Need, 40 Days for Life

FFor more information please contact Clarice Stauble at

St. Damien's Helpers

This ministry does varied charity works such as bandages for lepers, knitted hats for children, and blankets for babies.

For more information, please email

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has been serving the homeless and economically disadvantaged populations since 1946. Through home visits, shelter, food assistance, employment services, thrift stores and outreach programs. St. Vincent de Paul provides compassion and support to individuals in need, regardless of race, origin, religion, and gender. Their Mission Statement is: To join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering. This group of parish volunteers meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at 7:00pm .

For more information or if you would like to join this organization, please call SVdP at 602-867-2288.

Pantry Hours: Monday and Wednesday Evenings 6:00-7:30pm, Wednesday and Saturday Mornings 9:00-11:00am

Visiting the Sick

This group of volunteers visit and bring the Eucharist to those parishioners in hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes. If you are able to give one or two hours a month to this ministry please call and speak with our Liturgy Coordinator Jean Green 602-867-9171 ext. 308 or email Volunteers are always needed for this growing ministry.

Welcoming and Hospitality

These wonderful volunteers who make themselves available after Masses on Sunday to welcome new parishioners hand out welcome packets and answer questions. If you are interested in becoming a part of this ministry, please call the parish office 602-867-9171.