Faith Formation

COR Men's Faith Formation Program

The mission of Cor is to focus Catholic men more on Jesus Christ and to form and strengthen them in faith and virtue through a brotherhood committed to prayer, formation, and fraternity. The goal of each Cor gathering is to provide the opportunity for men to encounter Christ, to pray together, to be formed in their faith, and to strengthen their bonds of brotherhood, preparing them for courageous leadership and the mission of evangelization for their families and communities.

*Cor is available to all men aged 18 years and up. Fathers are welcome to bring their sons of 14 years and up.

Join us every other Saturday at 7:00-8:30am (location to be announced) beginning Sat, Jun 15. Mass and confession offered following each meeting at 8:30am.

Learn more at

Contact Information: Rick Perry at


From a Spanish word meaning “a short course,” Cursillo seeks to deepen the spiritual life by stressing the basics of the Catholic faith. Strong emphasis on community, mutual support and shared prayer are unique attributes of this dynamic spiritual movement.

Small Christian Communities

These small groups of believers gather on a regular basis to take a deeper look at the Sunday readings, pray, experience living the gospel through faith sharing and fellowship. S.C.C.’s are open to parishioners of all ages and marital status. Through this process, members experience love and faith in a personal way, develop a strong sense of connection to the parish, and feel supported in persevering as Christians in a largely un-Christian world. For further information or inquiry, please contact the parish office at 602-867-9171.

Society of Maria S.S. Lauretana

An organization dedicated to promoting the truths of our faith and an ever increased devotion to Our Blessed Mother.