12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

06-23-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

This week has a stellar lineup for all the saints celebrated this week! The Birthday of Saint John the Baptist is celebrated on June 24th, St. Cyril of Alexandria on June 27th, St. Irenaeus on June 28th, and Saints Peter and Paul on June 29th!


Happy Father’s Day!

06-16-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

On this day we honor the men who faithfully lead households and I continue to be inspired by the many fathers in our parish. These men sow seeds of hope for their children, encourage forgiveness in the household, and teach in hidden ways to be a man of sacrifice that only a father knows how to do.


10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

06-09-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

After celebrating the amazing feasts after Pentecost, we adjust to ordinary time, meaning no particular aspect of the mystery of Christ is celebrated, but rather the mystery of Christ is honored in its fullness, especially on Sundays. This is the trajectory of our week and most important, our fruit and source of our faith.


The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

06-02-2024Gospel ReflectionRichard Peck

In the Chapel of the Most Holy Trinity at West Point, New York, the stained-glass windows along the side walls depict various patron saints of soldiers, among them Michael the Archangel . . . and very prominently next to the archangel, Joan of Arc, the Maid of Lorraine (France) and soldier-martyr for God and country.

— From God & Country, by Fr. Michael Cerrone