29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10-20-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

This Sunday we are publishing our financial report for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. My heart is still filled with gratitude for the generous love and support you show in being good stewards to our parish family. My first year I wanted to bring good news with numbers in the black and a profit for the parish. However, in all humility we closed in the red at a loss.


28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10-13-2024Pastor's Letter© LPi Fr. John Muir

This week we hear of the man who inquires of Jesus how to obtain eternal life. He rejects Jesus’ invitation to sell his goods, give to the poor, and follow Jesus. Mark tells us this devastatingly sad line, “At this saying, his countenance fell and he went away sorrowful; for he had great possessions” (Mark 10:22). The man’s heart wasn’t centered on Jesus, but on his possessions. Perhaps Jesus intuited this.


27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

10-06-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

The month of October has its traditions and as I write this letter I am not sure if the Arizona Diamondbacks are in the playoffs? Who knows if baseball will see our hometown team. Regardless of the outcome, it was a fun season and great Catholic night at the ballpark.


26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

09-29-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

The General Election season is fast approaching. As faithful Catholics and citizens of the United States, we have a duty and a privilege to vote and elect lawmakers to act on our behalf to govern our state and country as well as ballot propositions which impact our laws. With that being said, all these decisions are entrusted to the people.


Arizona Catholic Bishops Statement Opposing Proposition 139

09-22-2024Pastor's Letter

As Catholic Bishops of Arizona we want to express our strong opposition to Proposition 139.

If passed, this initiative threatens to enshrine a constitutional right to virtually unrestricted abortion in Arizona.


24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

09-15-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

Our parish has been celebrating 45 years since being established. So many helping hands have worked for decades to make this sacred place a home for worship, adoration, community, family and to live as Christ taught us. When our Blessed Lord asked his disciples: “Who do people say that I am?” It is a great question to ask ourselves. More specifically, “Do people know Christ is present at St. Joan of Arc?”


23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

09-08-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy Sunday!

This week I am grateful for the many volunteers who lend a helping hand in various capacities at our parish. The amount of joy expressed through their servant hearts inspire me to be a better priest. My hope is that you offer a prayer for the volunteers you might see on a daily basis. Many are hidden in the pews and worshiping next to you.


22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

09-01-2024Pastor's LetterFr. Daniel Cruz

Happy September!

Many schools have resumed and the family routines are in full swing with sports and extracurricular activities. Here at St. Joan of Arc we have seen a steady and quiet month of August and we took this time as a staff to develop our leadership goals. One important reality that came to our team was that of family, a family of faith to be more specific.