Liturgical Ministries
Volunteers in the liturgical ministries serve God and the parish by assisting in various capacities related to the Holy Mass or other liturgies.

Altar Servers
Youth who have received the Sacrament of First Holy Communion and assist during the celebration of the Mass and at other parish liturgies.

Altar Society
These volunteers spend about two hours, twice a month, cleaning and vacuuming the altar area, shrines and occasionally the pews. We also have volunteers who take home our altar linens and albs and launder them. Additional volunteers are needed in all areas.
For more information, please call the parish office at 602-867-9171.

Audio Volunteers
These ministers are taught how to run the sound system for our Sunday liturgies as well as other liturgies and functions. To learn more about this ministry please contact our Director of Music, Jeffrey Morse 602-867-9171 Ext. 326 or email

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
These ministers are appointed for a given parish community to aid in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and to the sick and homebound when ordinary ministers of Holy Communion are unavailable.
To learn more about this ministry please contact the parish office at 602-867-9171.

These volunteer men and women serve as greeters, assist in welcoming and seating people, direct recipients receiving Holy Communion, and take up the collections at all weekend Masses.
Please speak to our Liturgy Coordinator, Annette Garrison at 602-867-9171 ext. 308 or email for more information.

Those who proclaim God's Word as revealed in Sacred Scripture during Holy Mass.
Please speak to our Liturgy Coordinator, Annette Garrison at 602-867-9171 ext. 308 or email for more information.