We often act out of ignorance. Armed with the best of intentions, we think we are seeing clearly and correctly, but we are not. We don’t always understand the full meaning of things and only perceive part of the truth. Hence, our judgments and actions can be impaired by myopic, incomplete or erroneous perceptions. The meaning of life, understanding of human experience, and negotiating life’s challenges can all become skewed without proper understanding and vision. The resurrection of Christ is the corrective to our incomplete and limited view of life. Looking at things with the eyes of faith brings a depth of clarity and understanding to how we see God, ourselves, others, and the world.
Even the disciples struggled with their limited understanding and ignorant perceptions. It was only when Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures that their eyes were opened. It was their “aha” moment when everything clicked. We all want the substance of our lives to come together, make sense, and have meaning. This is easier to achieve when things are going positively, and life is good. It is when suffering, disappointment, death, hardship, and injustice enter the picture that things can become unsettled and disoriented. Our faith in the goodness and love of God is tested. We tend to shift our focus on these difficult and challenging moments and do not see them within the greater picture of how God intends life to unfold. We can gain, from the passion and resurrection of Christ, the clear vision we need in order to move away from ignorance to enlightenment.
We need our “aha” moment when everything comes together and clicks. It can come in a fleeting instant when we feel totally connected with God, where we find ourselves, others and all of creation. It is a moment when all is right and good, regardless of how difficult our journey. Our “aha” moment assures us that God is here, right with us, in us and around us bringing us a gift and blessing we can receive nowhere else: peace. In those brief sacramental encounters when we are lifted up out of ourselves and centered, we can hear God say, “peace be with you,” and we feel secure. It’s all okay. The resurrected Christ has the power to bring this gift to us. Some people, as they are facing their deaths, remark about this peace. When looking into the window of eternity, they experience a depth of joy and are amazed at God’s goodness and closeness. We are called to be witnesses to this Good News.
Ser testigos del Evangelio es el pedido de Jesús en este tercer Domingo de Pascua. ¿Qué significa esto? ¿Cómo hacerlo? De hecho, no es sencillo este pedido, ya que implica la propia vida de cada persona. Por esa razón los apóstoles al ver a Jesús, quedaron atónitos y asustados. Comprometerse con el Evangelio asusta, e implica un cambio radical del modo de vivir y de comportarse. Para lograr esto, el Señor insiste al presentarse ante ellos y darles el saludo de paz. Ya lo decíamos en el domingo anterior, la paz de Cristo quita cualquier susto y miedo. ¿Has experimentado esa paz? ¿Qué sentimientos afloran en tu corazón al tenerla?
El Papa Francisco insiste en: “Ser testigos de Cristo donde estamos, con una nueva vida transformada por su amor”. (Angelus 6-1-2020). Continúa diciendo el Papa: “La experiencia de Dios no nos bloquea, sino que nos libera; no nos aprisiona, sino que nos pone de nuevo en el camino, nos devuelve a los lugares habituales de nuestra existencia. Los lugares son y serán los mismos, pero nosotros, después del encuentro con Jesús, no somos los mismos de antes. El encuentro con Jesús nos cambia, nos transforma. Toda experiencia del encuentro con Jesús nos induce a emprender caminos diferentes, porque de Él proviene una buena fuerza que sana el corazón y nos separa del mal”. Esto es ser testigo de la Resurrección. Que, de discípulos asustados, seamos discípulos alegres y generosos en cualquier lugar y circunstancia, como nos lo indica el Papa Francisco.