3801 E. Greenway Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85032-4698(602) 867-9171 • (602) 482-7930 fax
Whether you’re visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we’re happy to have you here.
Thank you for responding to Our Lord’s invitation to follow Him here at St. Joan of Arc. Here you will find out what it means to be an intentional disciple of Our Lord… what it means to be Catholic. As a valued parishioner of St. Joan of Arc Church, you will be able to live the faith well, and to share it with others.
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St. Joan of Arc SOLTEEN goes to Tucson for Steubenville West 2011!
Experience our conversion and sanctification with us! Make sure and watch Part 2!
St. Mary's High School goes to San Francisco for Walk for Life 2011.