Financial Considerations
St. Joan of Arc does not "charge" for providing the Sacraments. It is a duty to the faithful to provide the Sacraments to Catholics who are properly disposed to celebrate them.
Courtesy and good stewardship call for an offering to be made to the parish in consideration of time, use of facilities and utilities, wear and tear, etc. Stipends to the priest or deacon and servers are customary. Stipends for the Music Director and associated musicians are professional arrangements and must be resolved directly with music personnel. Some guidelines are as follows:
For registered/tithing parishioners of St. Joan of Arc for at least 6 months, the offering is $900. This amount includes the stipend for the Wedding Coordinator, the Organist/Pianist/Cantor, Focus counseling session, altar server and use of the church for a total of 4 hours. A recommended stipend of $100 for the priest or deacon is separate from the $900. A deposit of $200 to hold your date at the time the couple meets with the Wedding Coordinator for the Pre-Nuptial Inquiry and Focus.
A good rule of thumb to keep in mind… how much is being spent on dresses, limos, reception, food, alcohol, etc? Some portion of what is spent on all the peripheral matters should be dedicated to the Lord who has provided all that we have and all that we are.