Happy Palm Sunday!
As we enter into Holy Week with the solemn procession of Palm Sunday, I want to update you on the status of the beautiful artwork for our church that has been in process. In a previous update, the two large paintings of St. Joan of Arc were scheduled to be installed before Easter, and the rest of the artwork sometime soon after Easter. I need to inform you that our timeline will have to change due to some unfortunate circumstances.
We received word this month from our friends the Stricklins that after several months of navigating a variety of health challenges, Ruth, the principal artist on our project, was diagnosed with cancer. By God’s grace, as far as they know at this time, it is a slowly progressing type identified early that her physicians say comes with a hopeful prognosis. That said, the Stricklin's naturally need to focus their efforts at this time on treatment and healing.
As I have gotten to know Ruth over the years, it has been a joy to see how much she loves her vocation as a sacred artist and she wants you all to know that she remains grateful to the Lord for the grace to continue in work that glorifies Him, despite these present struggles. Ruth and Geoff and their New Jerusalem Studios team wish to tell you that they are also grateful to you, the parish of St. Joan of Arc for your support of their mission and entrusting this work to them. They assure us that the work will continue to completion as soon as possible.
I humbly ask you for your prayers, patience and understanding for Ruth, as she faces treatment and the process of healing. The artwork will be finished as soon as it can be, but our prayers for the artist at this time are our priority.
Please keep Ruth and all our projects on the campus close to your hearts and prayers this Holy Week!
Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us!
Father Cruz
Happy Palm Sunday!
As we enter into Holy Week with the solemn procession of Palm Sunday, I want to update you on the status of the beautiful artwork for our church that has been in process. In a previous update, the two large paintings of St. Joan of Arc were scheduled to be installed before Easter, and the rest of the artwork sometime soon after Easter. I need to inform you that our timeline will have to change due to some unfortunate circumstances.
We received word this month from our friends the Stricklins that after several months of navigating a variety of health challenges, Ruth, the principal artist on our project, was diagnosed with cancer. By God’s grace, as far as they know at this time, it is a slowly progressing type identified early that her physicians say comes with a hopeful prognosis. That said, the Stricklin's naturally need to focus their efforts at this time on treatment and healing.
As I have gotten to know Ruth over the years, it has been a joy to see how much she loves her vocation as a sacred artist and she wants you all to know that she remains grateful to the Lord for the grace to continue in work that glorifies Him, despite these present struggles. Ruth and Geoff and their New Jerusalem Studios team wish to tell you that they are also grateful to you, the parish of St. Joan of Arc for your support of their mission and entrusting this work to them. They assure us that the work will continue to completion as soon as possible.
I humbly ask you for your prayers, patience and understanding for Ruth, as she faces treatment and the process of healing. The artwork will be finished as soon as it can be, but our prayers for the artist at this time are our priority.
Please keep Ruth and all our projects on the campus close to your hearts and prayers this Holy Week!
Saint Joan of Arc, pray for us!
Father Cruz
¡Feliz Domingo de Ramos!
Al entrar en la Semana Santa con la solemne procesión del Domingo de Ramos, quiero informarles sobre el estado de la hermosa obra de arte para nuestra iglesia que ha estado en proceso. En una actualización anterior, se programó que las dos grandes pinturas de Santa Juana de Arco se instalaran antes de Pascua, y el resto de las obras de arte poco después de Pascua. Necesito informarles que nuestro cronograma tendrá que cambiar debido a algunas circunstancias desafortunadas. Este mes recibimos noticias de nuestros amigos Stricklin de que después de varios meses de afrontar una variedad de desafíos de salud, a Ruth, la artista principal de nuestro proyecto, le diagnosticaron cáncer. Por la gracia de Dios, hasta donde saben en este momento, es un tipo que progresa lentamente y que se identifica tempranamente y que, según sus médicos, tiene un pronóstico esperanzador. Dicho esto, los Stricklin naturalmente necesitan centrar sus esfuerzos en este momento en el tratamiento y la curación.
Al conocer a Ruth a lo largo de los años, ha sido un gozo ver cuánto ama su vocación de artista sagrada y quiere que todos sepan que sigue agradecida al Señor por la gracia de continuar en el trabajo que Lo glorifica, a pesar de estas luchas presentes. Ruth y Geoff y su equipo de New Jerusalem Studios desean decirle que también están agradecidos con usted, la parroquia de Santa Juana de Arco, por su apoyo a su misión y por confiarles este trabajo. Nos aseguran que la obra continuará hasta su finalización lo antes posible.
Humildemente les pido sus oraciones, paciencia y comprensión por Ruth, mientras enfrenta el tratamiento y el proceso de curación. La obra de arte estará terminada tan pronto como sea posible, pero nuestras oraciones por el artista en este momento son nuestra prioridad. ¡Mantengan a Ruth y todos nuestros proyectos en el campus cerca de sus corazones y oraciones en esta Semana Santa!
Santa Juana de Arco, ¡ruega por nosotros!
Padre Cruz