Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
We have begun the 40 Days for Life campaign across many parts of the world. During this time we unite with prayer, fasting, constant vigil and community outreach initiatives. The mission directs our hearts and minds to God in prayer to ask Him to hear us and heal us. Our peaceful and prayerful presence intersect where innocent children are viciously removed from their mother's womb, outside the abortion facility. This campaign is committed to keep a constant vigil with non-stop, round-the-clock prayer outside a single abortion facility in our community.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
Lots of folks have shared with me their thoughts about Jesus and His Church. I am not sure that it matters as much what people think about Jesus or His Church. I think what matters more to Our Lord is that YOU desire to know, love and follow Him. So when asked by anyone, you can say like Peter: Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
Our Lord is asking you a question today. I promise you that He is not having an identity crisis. Today Our Lord is asking you to respond to His most important question - “Who do you say that I am?”
In this passage for today’s Gospel, Our Lord is traveling all around with His apostles. As He encounters people along the way, He is touching their hearts and changing their lives through His teaching, healing, and working miracles.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
I pray your summer was blessed and you have had a chance for some fun with family and/or friends. I find that a little rest and relaxation can really help a person to see the world and others in a better light. I want to kick off our new fiscal year with some updates on the state of our parish and our preschool.
As we continue to make Christ the center of our parish and the center of our hearts, we trust that we are being faithful followers of Our Lord Jesus. Our success in not measured as the world finds success. Our success is found by spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ and remaining faithful to Him. It is fair to say that many folks at SJA are sharing the love of God and many parishioners are seeking to be intentional disciples.
READ MOREDear Brothers and Sisters,
This past March 26th, in a small town in Southern France, a terrorist in a sleeper cell activated his mission. The terrorist killed a passenger in a car and then hijacked it. Soon he shot at a group of police-in-training, injuring one of the officers. He then drove to a grocery store and shouted that he was part of the Islamic State and began firing, killing the store’s butcher and a customer.
The police managed to get the terrorist to release the shoppers, except for a woman that he planned to use as a human shield for his getaway. And in the heat of this tragic moment, something beautiful happened.