The Supper of the Lamb

08-26-2018Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline, V.F.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Jesus invites us to his own supper - the Supper of the Lamb. Receiving Jesus in the Eucharistic Sacrifice is necessary for eternal life. "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you."

These are strong teachings, even shocking, as Jesus indicates today. We can understand why many abandoned Him. Notice that Jesus did not say, "Come back. I only meant it symbolically." No, he asks his closest disciples, "Do you also want to leave?"

That's the question Jesus puts in front of us today: Are we ready to receive Jesus - not just spiritually, but also physically?

Through the centuries people have wanted to spiritualize Jesus - to take away his bodily aspect. St. John warns about them: "Many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not acknowledge Christ as coming in the flesh." (2 Jn 7; cf. I Jn 4: 1-6) We can see this over-spiritualizing of Jesus especially in Gnosticism - an ancient heresy that continues today.

Gnostics think they have a secret knowledge (in Greek "gnosis") that elevates them above others. They don't need baptism. They don't need the Eucharist. They don't even need the ordinary rules of morality and decent behavior. They have a secret, superior knowledge. That knowledge - that illumination, a Gnostic thinks, is all he needs.

In the second reading St. Paul speaks about the community of marriage. He tells wives to practice humility. Once a lady told her priest, "Father, I try to be a humble wife, but the problem is I am always right and he is always wrong." St. Paul tells the husband to love his woman as Christ loves the Church. Christ loves His Bride by giving His life for Her - to the last drop of blood. And His blood brings forgiveness - and enables us to forgive each other.

To receive Jesus physically - to eat his flesh and drink his blood by weekly or daily attendance at Mass - takes work, an effort that requires infusion of grace. But, I beg you, brothers and sisters, do not give up. It will bring a reward beyond imagining. The devil does not want to bring us happiness, but misery.

Jesus, on the other hand, calls us to humility and hard work, but he gives peace that endures. And he offers even now a foretaste of heaven.

God Bless,

Fr. Don Kline, V.F.


La Cena del Cordero

Queridos hermanos y hermanas,

Jesus nos invita a su propia cena - la Cena del Cordero. Recibir a Jesús en el sacrificio eucarístico es necesario para la vida eterna. "Si no comen la carne del Hijo del hombre y no beben su sangre, no podran tener vida en ustedes."

Estas ensenanzas son fuertes, aun chocantes, como indica Jesus hoy. Podemos entender porque tantos lo abandonaron. Noten que Jesus no les dice, "Disculpenme. Solo estoy hablando simbolicamente." No, pregunta a sus discipulos, "Tambien ustedes quieren dejarme?" Esa es la pregunta: Estamos listos para recebir a Jesus - no solo espiritualmente, sino tambien fisicamente?

Por los siglos, muchos han querido hace una "Jesus espiritual" - quitarle su aspecto corporal. San Juan advierte, "muchos engañadores han salido por el mundo, que no confiesan que Jesucristo ha venido en carne." (2 Jn 7; cf 1 Jn 4: 1-6)

Podemos ver este Jesus super-espiritual en Gnosticismo:"Se trata de una doctrina, según la cual los iniciados no se salvan por la fe en el perdón gracias al sacrificio de Cristo sino que se salvan mediante la gnosis, o conocimiento introspectivo de lo divino, que es un conocimiento superior a la fe."

Los gnosticos no necesitan el bautismo. No necesitan la Eucaristia. No necesitan aun las normas ordinarias de moralidad. Tienen un conocimiento (gnosis) secreto y superior. Ese conocimiento, esa iluminacion, piensa el gnostico, es todo lo que necesita.

En la segunda lectura, San Pablo habla de la comunidad de matrimonio. Dice a las esposas practicar la humildad. Una vez una senora dijo, "Padre, trato de ser una esposa humilde, pero el problema es que el nunca tiene razon y yo siempre tengo razon." San Pablo dice al esposo amar a su mujer como Cristo ama a la Iglesia. Cristo ama a su novia dando su vida por ella - hasta la ultima gota de sangre. Y su sangre nos trae perdon - hace posible perdonarnos uno al otro.

Recibir a Jesus fisicamente - como su carne y beber su cuerpo por asistir a la misa semanal o diariamente - requiere un esfuerzo y una infusion de gracia. Pero, hermanos, les suplico, no desanimarse. Este trabajo traera un premio que no se puede imaginar. El diablo no quiere dar la felicidad, sino la miseria.

Jesus en cambio nos llama a la humildad y trabajo duro, pero nos da una paz que perdura. Y nos ofrece aun ahora una experiencia del cielo.

Dios los bendiga,

Fr. Don Kline, V.F.
