God’s Perfect Plan for You

01-24-2016Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today's readings speak about God's plan. Theologians, philosophers, teachers and grandmothers all want to know atsome point in their life: “Does God have a plan for me? Does my life matter to God? Does He really care about me?”

The good news is that you and I are not a mistake. The Church teaches us that God creates us for His glory and that every life is sacred. Every human being echoes some aspect of God and what is good, beautiful, and what is true. This happens especially when we use our God-given gifts for His Glory. Our Lord desires us to use those gifts for others and for the salvation of souls. Your presence in someone else’s life could be the thing that leads them to Our Lord and to heaven. We are made for God's glory and the salvation of souls. That's God's overall plan.

But what does God want you to do? That question requires prayer, study and discernment. There is always the temptation to do whatever feels good. When you do only what “feels good” you will find that your decisions are usually not part of God’s plan. More often than not, your “feel good decision” doesn't bring great results. Here is one example that happens in most every Catholic’s lifetime. You know God’s commandments to “keep holy the Sabbath”- to attend Mass on Sunday or the Saturday Vigil. God has given us this “requirement” because if we go by how we feel, we quickly lose our way.

Every Sunday morning I spend time praying for all the families in our parish. I know that the enemy especially attacks families who go to Mass. I remember growing up and getting ready for Mass every Sunday. Let’s just say that some Sunday mornings we would leave the driveway for Mass as if the house were on fire. It is not always easy to get to Mass.

The reality is that we can be tired... maybe you stayed up too late. It happens. Maybe you had a bad hair day, could not find matching socks, wanted to fly a kite or whatever. I’m not talking about sitting up with a sick child or some necessary parental duty. I am saying that it can seem like there is always something more attractive than Mass. Then there are the excuses in our mind. We can think things like: “All those hypocrites down there at church” or “the music is not my style” or “Father talks too much” or “it's boring” or “I’m not worthy.”

To really achieve something as awesome as God’s perfect will for you, we need a certain discipline and adherence to God’s directions. Our loving God is constantly calling His children to a deeper relationship especially through the sacraments. Are you willing to let go of your comfortable ideals and let God lead you to Himself? In a few short weeks we begin Lent during the Year of Mercy. This is a great time to make a new beginning with God's plan.

God Bless,
Fr. Don Kline

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

Es muy importante que recordemos que cada persona, en cada momento es preciosa para Dios. Como Católicos, tenemos que comprometernos a preservar la dignidad de cada persona construyendo una cultura de vida. El primer Domingo de Octubre se llama: "Domingo de Respeto a la Vida". Como Católicos, oramos para que todos lleguen a conocer el regalo de la vida. También debemos de orar por el fin de las amenazas en contra de la vida y de cómo podemos proteger la vida de todas las personas desde su concepción hasta su muerte natural.

Durante este año de la misericordia, proclamad por el Papa Francisco, el cual comienza el 8 de Noviembre, todos somos llamados a estudiar y reflexionar en las hermosas e inspiradoras enseñanzas de la Iglesia y de nuestra fe. Reflexionemos acerca del increíble regalo de la vida humana y lo sagrado que es el amor matrimonial. Oremos para que nos convirtamos en Apóstoles del mundo moderno, capases de transformar la cultura Americana y de construir una cultura de vida, de fe en Dios, amor y esperanza.

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Que Dios los bendiga,
Padre Don Kline