A New American Saint! Fr. Junipero Serra

09-27-2015Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Over the years, millions of Catholics have visited the 36 missions on the California coast. Very popular missions include San Luís Obispo, San Juan Caistrano and San Luís Rey. The history of the California Missions are connected to a Spanish Franciscan Missionary priest named Fr. Junípero Serra. Serra was canonized by Pope Francis last Wednesday in Washington D.C. as our 11th American saint!

It is interesting that when Father Serra founded California's first mission in 1769, he wasn’t exactly a robust figure. He was 56 years old and an asthmatic with a chronic sore on his leg, the result of a bug bite. Fr. Serra was small in stature, a mere 5 feet, 2 inches. But despite his small frame, Fr. Serra, was a spiritual giant known as the Apostle of California.


Adoration and Sanctification

09-20-2015Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Pope St. John Paul II, of blessed memory, has left us a beautiful opportunity to grow in our love for Jesus Christ Our Eucharistic King. During his time as our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II blessed a number of Eucharistic Thrones (monstrances) that are to be used around the world for the faithful people of God. These monstrances that are circulating around the world are sent to various parishes for a short span of time to be used for adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament.


That Man is YOU!

09-13-2015Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I would like to invite the men of our parish to prayerfully consider becoming a part of a wonderful men’s group called “That Man is You!” Last year, 30 to 40 men gathered in Santa Maria Hall every Saturday morning at 6:45-8:15am to learn how to be real men in the modern world. Our first session is September 19th. They were exposed to some amazing research from science and the teachings of the Catholic faith. They learned about the wisdom of the Saints. They were able to develop a vision of authentic men who are now capable of transforming themselves, their families and greater society.


Back to School

09-06-2015Pastor's LetterFr. Don Kline

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

It has been an interesting August. Many families and students have kept me apprised of their return to school on all levels—grade school, high school and college. Some students asked for special blessings for safe travels and a good year. Let us pray for all our students in school and in religious educa- tion. May they make holy decisions that will help them grow closer to Jesus.

As we begin this new school year, I have been thinking about education and catholic education in particular. In general, my thoughts return that baptismal rite of children in the Catholic Church when parents commit to the Christian education of their children. The rite reminds parents of their duty to bring their children up by teaching them the law of Christ and His Church.